It was a beautiful fall day. Mid-October and the weather was warm and not at all cold. Lesli, Brad, Miriam, and Xavier’s looked perfect in denim and flannel. The sun was shining and we couldn’t ask for a nicer day.
First of all, meeting Brad, Miriam, and Xavier for the first time was so much fun! Brad was calm and mindful of the kids at all times and just an all around nice guy!
Xavier was a bundle of energy! But the sweetest little boy. He just wanted to eat his Smarties. We don’t blame him. Smarties are way better than getting pictures taken.
Miriam is such a sweet young lady who is well behaved. She is a wonderful big sister!
All together they are certainly a beautiful little family. Lesli has done such a wonderful job raising Miriam and Xavier!
We would happily do their family photos again next year! (We’ll bring Smarties for Xavier next time) =)
For the full online gallery, follow the link here: Lesli + Brad Family
Venue: Millennium Park Grand Rapids
You and your fiancé have many things to juggle for your wedding day. But your wedding day photo shouldn’t be one of them. Your engagement and wedding day photos will be one of the most treasured possessions in your lives. Booking the same photographer for both sets of photos will not only make your life easier but will result in better photos. Click here to learn why!
If you are interested in booking a wedding photographer in Grand Rapids Michigan for both your engagement photos and wedding day photos, we are happy to help!
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