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It's time to elevate your skills and step into the world of luxury wedding photography. We're here to guide and empower you to attract high-end clients and make your mark in the luxury market.

by the Fourniers

the Luxury Photographer Mentorship

Transform your business from the inside out.


In this journey of art and business, striking the right balance between creating stunning images and running a successful photography business is a continuous endeavor.

By undertaking these two mentorship programs together, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to manage your photography business while creating compelling images that are rich in meaning and authentic expression.


THIS two-part mentorship program offers a

"Instead of fumbling with different programs, Leidy and Josh have fast-tracked me in so many areas. I have been investing in photography courses for a while but nothing truly compares to having two sets of professional eyes on your work. The feedback I have received has helped me by leaps and bounds!"

Scaled her bookings by 4x!


Apply For The Mentorship

If you have the desire and dedication to create a luxury brand that attracts high-end clients, my 1:1 mentor program will teach you all you need to know! Your dream career isn't just a distant wish; it's a potential waiting to be unlocked.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a full-time or part-time photographer…

Traveling the globe to iconic locations, working with dream clients, and being recognized as a true artist in your industry. Picture having the freedom to choose only the weddings that truly inspire you while enjoying financial freedom and having time to live your life. 

Our mentorship program is a clear and comprehensive roadmap to a career in luxury wedding photography. It provides all the skills and knowledge you need to live your dream.

imagine this...

Your Dream Career is Just Waiting to be Revealed…

This mentorship program is designed to equip you with the tools to frame images in an emotionally captivating way while providing you with a unique perspective on managing your photography business. 

The Luxury Photographer Mentorship program


Your mentorship includes 10 modules over 6 months, teaching you all you need to know about the inner workings of the luxury wedding photography business. You’ll learn small changes you can make to your existing practice to make inroads into this lucrative market. But your mentorship doesn’t end there. Around 8-12 months after completing the course, you’ll return to have your work assessed and receive feedback on how to further elevate it. Imagine the freedom to mold your wedding photography business into whatever you envision it to be. That's precisely what our one-on-one mentorship program offers.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

The Ultimate Guide To Upgrading Your Brand To Luxury Status - Unforgettable Branding

Module Two

Creating Your Thriving Wedding Photography Business - Mindset, Goals, & Limiting Beliefs

Module One

Attract High-Paying Clients Through Style & Curation - From Ordinary to Extraordinary

Module Four

How To Create A Luxury Website - Beyond Ordinary Templates

Module Three

Elevating Collections to $10,000 and Beyond: Money Mindset & Pricing Strategies that Work

Module six

How To Go From Four to Five-Figure Weddings: Targeted Marketing & Networking

Module Five

Jaw-Dropping Images that Attract High-Paying Couples: Unleash Your Inner Visionary

Module Eight

From Awkward Pitch to Effortless Sales: Techniques That Will Make You Feel Confident

Module Seven

From Burnout to Balance: How To Build a Sustainable Business (Even If You Have Kids)

Module Ten

Stay Ahead of The Game - Current Top Wedding Photography Trends

Module Nine

We can't wait to hear how you experience real change and see how you implement these skills into your work. Together, let's redefine what it means to be a photographer in today's world.

 tap into your full potential as an artist and entrepreneur

As a photographer, I know getting to where you are now was no walk in the park. You’ve worked hard to hone your craft and perfect your technique. 

+ You’ve attended the workshops…
+ You’ve been studying courses…
+ You’ve been following the advice of pros…

This has elevated the quality of your work, but here's the truth. If you want to enter the luxury market and start attracting the high-end clients you deserve, you must understand that breaking into the luxury market requires more than just having better pictures.

but you've made it this far

Your Journey Hasn’t Been Easy… 

Apply Here

What you need is a strategic approach grounded in real-life experience. One that understands that simply paying for a few high-end editorials won’t make you stand out from the crowd because that’s just what everyone in the crowd is doing. As a successful wedding photographer with 10 years of experience, I’ve learned what it takes to navigate the business side of the industry. We will guide you on how to achieve a delicate balance between your professional endeavors and personal life. This ensures you remain energized and passionate, steering clear of fatigue and burnout, all while nurturing both your craft and your well-being. Your transformation begins here. Let us help you become not just a photographer, but a visionary, a storyteller, a creator of memories. 

Investing in a mentorship program that does more than just educate - it transforms. 

Harnessing your skills to generate a yearly income of $150k+ as a distinguished photographer. 

Realize the true worth of your skills, and gain clarity on what your services should be valued at.

Overcoming imposter syndrome and self-doubt so you can finally embrace your artistic abilities.

Re-strategize your marketing efforts to resonate with an high-paying & LUXURY clientele.

Uncover the secrets behind luxury branding, and learn how to infuse your own with elegance

Making your mark in an intensely competitive landscape  and helping you carve a unique niche

what's waiting for you!

Wedding photography is an art form; it’s about weaving a romantic narrative… capturing the unseen moments of connection that breathe life into a couple's special day. For many wedding photographers, this is what they enjoy the most and are best at. But building a successful wedding photography business requires a whole different set of skills.

for Having A Successful PHOTOGRAPHY Business

the winning formula

This is the point in your career when you HAVE TO DECIDE:

+ Do you settle for an average income and simply continue working all the best weekend of the year?

+ Do you continue waiting for next inquiring hoping you won’t get ghosted this time?

+ Do you keep liking that planner’s Instagram post hoping they’ll take notice of you?

+ Or do pay for that pricy vendor listing hoping that this one will be different from the last?

 “I should just increase my pricing”...

While it might seem like the obvious thing to do, it doesn’t get to the heart of the problem. If you have only ever worked in your local market, you’ll only ever earn local wedding budgets. Upping your investment will eventually backfire and you’ll just become more expensive to the same group of people you’ve always booked. But imagine a different path, one that allows you to confidently raise your prices, all while drawing in an upscale clientele ready to invest in unique, top-tier wedding photography. Wedding photography that only you can offer. With the right approach, you can significantly up your prices and attract high-end clients prepared to pay top dollar. With the right guidance, you can command higher fees and cater to a luxury market that appreciates and is willing to pay for the exceptional quality you offer.

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Joshua Fournier, co-owner of The Fourniers and a full-time destination photographer, associate photography team lead, and father of two, is your guide in this journey.

With years of experience capturing timeless photos for couples around the world, Joshua has distilled his knowledge about photography, travel, human connection, and entrepreneurialism into these courses. His aim is to help you immerse yourself in your craft, just like he did.

About the Educator

over 150 weddings in Six years. over 50 photographers coached.

This is a 1:1 coaching course that delivers real support from the moment you sign up. I will personally guide you through the course, taking time to fully understand you as an individual, where your business is right now, and where you want to take it.  I’ll help assess all aspects of your business, offering advice and guidance based on my own industry experience.  All teaching is done in person, and you’ll have the opportunity to shadow me at luxury weddings to get a feel for the type of clientele you’ll be working with and an understanding of what makes for a luxury customer experience!

What Makes This Mentorship Different From Other Courses?


Sure, you’ve invested time and money in buying top-end equipment, creating a website and marketing materials, and traveling to venues for shoots. You might have even paid thousands for styled shoots and editorials, but there’s one thing you’ve never felt confident enough to invest in: yourself.

Self-doubt may be your biggest obstacle. Perhaps you don’t see yourself as a “real” wedding photographer. Maybe you don’t fancy the idea of negotiating with clients. Or you could simply not imagine yourself charging $10,000+ as a starting wedding collection..

But a mentorship is exactly what you need. I will show you how to challenge this mindset and acknowledge that you have a unique skill people are prepared to pay big money for. If you’re ready to learn your true worth and take the first step to a dream career. 

still feeling hesitant? 


It's entirely understandable if, as a wedding photographer, you might believe that investing in a new camera, allocating funds for social media promotions, or spending on travel to capture unique venues takes precedence over enrolling in 1:1 mentoring. We recognize these instincts - after all, they stem from a passionate drive to enhance your craft and reach a wider audience. But this type of short-term thinking results in photographers spending every weekend in the summer rushing from one venue to the next just to burn out by the end of the year.

This program is an investment in YOU! It will teach you how to elevate your business and support you in getting there. As we coach you, the wisdom you gain will rapidly offset the initial investment, transforming it into returns that keep resonating throughout your career. This is more than education; it's a stepping stone to a sustainable and fulfilling future where you're not just surviving, but thriving

the financial constraints...

"Our business would not be where it is today WITHOUT THEIR MENTORING"

"We are so thankful for Leidy and Josh and their mentoring! They have exceeded our expectations with how much hands on attention we’ve received.  It’s been so fun building a relationship with them throughout the process that will last well beyond the program."


Found her niche and rebranded

"They have invested so much into us and our growth has exceeded our expectations!"

"We are so grateful! Within just a few months of putting what we learned into practice, we are booking our ideal wedding at our highest price ever, and we keep growing!"

Alex & Tyler

Doubled Their income

Apply For The Mentorship

this program is for yoU if...

You want to reduce the number of weekends you work while increasing your income

You want to leave budget wedding photography behind and focus on attracting high-value clients

You're tired of the feast-or-famine nature of the traditional wedding photography industry? 

Dream of becoming a luxury wedding photographer?

Click Here To Apply!

Your mentorship is not just about teaching; it's about inspiring, empowering, and fostering growth. It's about personalized education that instills trust and confidence in your abilities. Let's unlock your potential together.

READY TO attract high-end clients and make your mark in the luxury market?


I am committed to ensuring that you are in the perfect position to fully benefit from our course and propel your wedding photography business to new heights. As soon as you accept your invitation, you'll gain immediate access to our dynamic learning platform. Here, you can explore and immerse yourself in the rich content we've curated just for you.. But remember, the true transformation begins when we come together for our coaching calls. Our collective energy, shared passion, and mutual growth are where the real magic unfolds. By the end, you will have the ability to create truly captivating work, while also running a successful and thriving business. 

let's unlock your potential together.