What if we told you that you probably believe the biggest lie about getting married and you don’t even realize it. Would you believe me? Let us explain.
When you got engaged you undoubtedly experienced this. You post on Facebook the camera photos that captured that incredibly joyful moment when your future husband popped the question or you popped the question yourself.
Confetti emojis and hearts exploded on your timeline. “CONGRATULATIONS!” everyone said. But after the fanfare a few days later the newsfeed gets quiet and the wedding plans begin. And it’s around that time it starts to happen.
It Starts Well Intended
Your aunt remarks about how you should do the thing you have always wanted to do before the wedding day. Your high school bestie says you should travel to the place you have always wanted to go before you are married. All the guy friends tell the groom that he should run away while he still can.
Confusingly these are the same people who were congratulating you just a few days earlier but now they are telling you that you better do “X” before you get tied down because marriage changes a person. Your divorced uncle says “Wait until year 3!” or “year 7” or “year X” because eventually after the honeymoon is over the whole relationship will change.
It’s a bitter tale that is supposed to be well intended. These are clearly people who love and support you because they were genuinely excited about your engagement. So why the change?
In part is because that’s what society tells us. Society tells us that getting married is an amazing thing but being married is somehow limiting. That once you are married your freedom is dampened and your marriage is a time bomb that is doomed to explode eventually. But here is the truth.
That’s right, it’s not true! Despite what people say, being married is AMAZING. Yes there will be ups and there will be downs, but that just comes with life and will come married or not. But if you compared two lives, one married and one not, the married life hands down beats the unmarried life in so many ways. You are spending your time, your house, your kids, your family with your best friend. You will forever have someone looking out for you, watching your back, and sharing everything in your life. What could be better?
Marriage is Awesome
After Leidy and I got married, so many people would ask, “So how’s the married life?” Seriously at least 30 people asked me this exact question. My response. “It’s the same amazing life we had before we were married only better because I can call her my wife and we are closer now than ever before. Why? What is supposed to be different?”
You know what their response to my question was? “I dunno.” That’s right, every single person couldn’t tell me exactly what is supposed to be different. That’s because they were asking me that question simply because life is somehow SUPPOSED to be different. And we all think that because that is what we are told!
But the truth couldn’t be better. The life-imploding-after-marriage myth is a lie. Marriage is amazing. You will find that you love your spouse more and more each day and your life is so much the better for it.
Leidy and I Want to Dispell This Myth.
We want to show everyone that marriage is a blessing and easily the best thing that has happened to us. We love meeting with a potential bride and groom when they are in the confetti emoji stage to share this with them and letting them know that your marriage will be amazing. Love is not limiting it is liberating. Your life will be richer and you will have more freedom than you had before you were married. So ignore all those people seeding doubt in your decision to marry. Embrace this exciting time of your life. YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED! Let’s celebrate!
For more wedding advice, be sure to check out The First Look: A Groom’s Perspective to learn how the first look doesn’t ruin the coming down the aisle moment and 4 Reasons to Hire Husband and Wife Wedding Photographers.
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