Grand Valley State University Engagement Session


We aren’t sure if we have ever met another couple that was so much like…!  Teall and Braydon were awesome!  We always have a great time during our shoots, laughing and joking.  We try to keep the mood happy and lighthearted.  But Teall and Braydon took it to a whole new level of fun.  I mean…just look at Braydon. =)

Aside from having a great time, Teall and Braydon were wonderful people to meet.  Our original plans to shoot at a local flower festival had to change last minute and do the session at Grand Valley State University campus.  But Teall and Braydon just rolled with the change of plans.  These two make for an amazing couple. Braydon is witty and hilarious and Teall is both beautiful and smart.  Josh is still trying to wrap his head around Teall’s resume (she speaks Japanese and has how many degrees?!?!).

Thank you so much, Teall and Braydon for picking us to do your engagement photos.  We are so blessed to have this chance to meet and shoot both of you!  Word cannot express how much fun we had with you two and your session will always be remembered as one of the more fun ones!  Your wedding is going to be a BLAST! =)

How did you and Braydon meet?

We met in high school during my junior year and his freshman year.  We got to know each other from a friend we were close to.

How did Braydon purpose?

My faincee’ proposed last December when we went on a cruise to the Bahamas.  It was so romantic and I have a video of it! =)

Do you know when and where the wedding will be?

Our wedding date is September 7, 2019 and we want our venue to be at the Clearwater Place.

Do you do any dorky/funny things together as a couple?

We love to play video games. We collect matching adult onesies, Marvel obsessed and we enjoy traveling to different countries.

Is there a picture or idea you would like to recreate in your session?

We started dating really young. We knew we were in love with one another before we could tell each other. We compare our love story to the Twilight couple Bella and Edward. I’m not sure how to recreate a scene but I loved in the movie where they laid down in a field of flowers looking at one another like they couldn’t live without each other. Thousand Years by Christina Perri is our relationship song.

Featured Publication

We are excited to admit that Teall and Braydon’s engagement session has been featured on multiple wedding publications!

1. Black Bride – Low-Key Campus Michigan Engagement Session

2. Southern Noir – Teall & Braydon: Allendale, Michigan

Grand Valley State University Engagement Grand Valley State University Engagement - Leidy and Josh Grand Valley State University Fountain Grand Valley State University Session Fountain Picture Grand Valley State University Couple Grand Valley State University Engagement - image Grand Valley State University Side By Side Pic Fountain Image 2 Michigan Wedding Photographer - The Fourniers Grand Valley State University Engagement - Leidy and Josh Photography Michigan Wedding Photographers and Quinceañera Photography Grand Valley State University Engagement - Leidy and Josh Grand Valley State University - Leidy and Josh Grand Valley State University - Leidy and Josh Grand Valley State University Couple- Leidy and Josh Romantic Grand Valley State University Photos Grand Valley State University Engagement - Leidy and Josh Photography Michigan Wedding Photographers and Quinceañera Photography Creative Grand Valley State University Pics Grand Valley State University Engagement Side By Side University Picture Proposal Image Creative - Leidy and Josh Grand Valley State University Garden Leidy and Josh Grand Valley State University Arch Ring Image 4 Grand Valley State University | Couple |

Looking to hire a wedding photographer in Michigan?

While you and your fiancé have many things to juggle for your wedding day, rest assured that your engagement and wedding day photos will be one of the most treasured possessions in your lives. Booking the same photographer for both sets of photos will not only make your life easier but will result in better photos.  Click here to learn why!

If you are interested in booking a wedding photographer in Grand Rapids Michigan for both your engagement photos and wedding day photos, we are happy to help!


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